The Benefits of Enterprise Data Management

Learn about the benefits & advantages of enterprise data management (EDM) for organizations including reducing risk & increasing efficiency.

The Benefits of Enterprise Data Management

Enterprise data management is an essential tool for organizations to find, manage, access, store and protect their data. EDM ensures that companies can easily find, analyze and use data to make the best and most informed decisions and operate from a data-driven perspective. Data helps you understand and improve business processes so you can reduce wasted time and money. All companies feel the effects of waste, which drains resources, wastes time, and ultimately impacts bottom line.

Cataloging should ensure that all bits of data from all sources, including notes and emails, are captured and stored. Master data management (MDM) is the administration, organization, centralization, localization, categorization, synchronization, and enrichment of master data based on the business rules of an organization's marketing, sales, and operations strategies. Effective EDM helps organizations transfer data to other business applications, processes, and users with relative ease. Data warehouses store large collections of business information that can be used to help a company in its decision-making processes.

It is vital that the flow of data within an organization undergoes comprehensive management, from entry and storage to modification, analysis and reporting. Data quality refers to the accuracy and reliability of the information that is stored in your databases. Data flow depends on comprehensive management across all layers of ingestion, storage, transformation, reporting and analysis. Data integration processes are leveraged to integrate data from multiple sources into a single merged view.

As each point of communication becomes an email, a message through the company's preferred collaboration application, a virtual meeting, or a phone call, employees often have to keep track of too much data. However, to get the most out of your data and analytics, you need to know how to get the most value out of your data. Enterprise data management consolidates data into multiple sources to ensure that it is accessible and easy to use for different users. A specialist with experience in EDM is best suited to elucidate the significant risks an organization faces in managing customer data such as damage due to poor data quality or violations of data privacy as well as prepare the organization as a whole to address these risks to avoid substantial losses due to rework damage, brand damage, regulatory fines and other causes.

Ultimately, data integration enables analytics solutions to generate business intelligence that is actionable and effective. Business leaders with IT expertise, business intelligence, and analytics can help create and implement an EDM strategy that is both robust and effective. The benefits of enterprise data management are many including the ability to reduce risk, increase efficiency and improve customer service. EDM ensures that companies can easily find analyze and use data to make the best decisions possible while reducing wasted time and money.